
Monday 9 April 2012

Don't tell me you don't like WOMEN:girls?

Don't tell me you don't like WOMEN:girls?: For International Women's Day 2012...
It's all about INSPIRING one another, from one role model to an aspiring young girl, one at a time.
In line with the 2012 International Women's Day theme - CONNECTING GIRLS, INSPIRING FUTURES; the WOMEN:girls' 10-day campaign aims to begin a connection to INSPIRE and ENCOURAGE a new network of exchanges between young girls and women.

Walk for Autism

Walk for Autism: An event organized by Early Autism Project (EAP) Malaysia with the purpose of increasing public awareness about autism as a spectrum disorder.
This is the first time EAP Malaysia is organizing a walk for autism and is held in conjunction with the Autism Month in April. Autism Speaks, the world’s largest autism advocacy organization has been organizing annual walks since its first ever walk in October 2006 and raising thousands of dollars to help in autism research and advocacy.
Therefore, it is EAP Malaysia’s dream to not only raise awareness about autism in Malaysia but also be able to provide assistance any Malaysian in regardless of race, status and religion who has been diagnosed with autism.

RSVP for Walk for Autism at the website below!

Early Autism Project Malaysia

Early Autism Project Malaysia: Early Autism Project (EAP) Malaysia is an individualised center and home-based early intervention treatment programmes for children on the Autism Spectrum Disorder. Conduct various activity groups (friendship group, building conversation group, music class, life skills group and school-readiness group) at our Stepping Stones Center.
Their mission is to help children with autism learn new skills fast enough to catch up with other children, and to help their families learn to implement treatment strategies across environments.

Find a job and win RM500

Find a job and win RM500: Holy moly shmoly! We pay you RM500 when you’ve found a job through JobsCentral. All you need to do is to land that dream job, and then RSVP us here. Terms apply.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Light up a little life!

Light up a little life!: Yayasan Sunbeams Home is a place that sheds light to underprivileged children in Malaysia. Having homed the displaced, misplaced, abused and neglected children of single parents since 1995, Sunbeams is the beacon of hope for children that long for a  bright future.With several homes, daycare centres, learning centres and a feeding ministry set up within Malaysia, Sunbeams meets the daily needs of children at a feat of RM 80,000 per month. Depending on the support of people like YOU, Sunbeams hopes to provide more and reach more underprivileged children in Malaysia through their wishes to expand. With a current RM 1.5 million renovation plan that caters to 100 children, your monetary donation, large or small will be greatly appreciated. If you are interested in helping out in other ways, do consider donating items, offering your time, service, or even spread the word of the amazing work in place. Every little bit helps.

Friday 30 March 2012

A Sweet Birthday

A Sweet Birthday: Bring about birthday cheer to underprivileged children through Caramel, an online platform that enables Malaysians to fulfill birthday wishes of less fortunate children in the country. Log on to Caramel’s [website] and click on ‘NGO’ to view details of children from different shelter. Donations are to be made three weeks prior to a child’s birthday.Check out Caramel's Facebook Fan Page for updates too!

Is your animal getting the care it deserves?

Is your animal getting the care it deserves?: Many of us have pet animals, and to some they are so close to our hearts that we allow them into our homes and sometimes even on our beds! On the other hand, some people have working animals like guard dogs, riding horses, drought animals and carrier mules. Be it as a pet or for carrying out tasks, animals under our supervision are fully dependant on us for their food, shelter and well-being. Having ownership over them, it is important to keep a close eye on their behavour as animals are also capable of getting stressed just like humans. Caring for animals, plants and all the earth is simply an extension of the compassion that we share with our loved ones around us. The Malaysian National Animal Welfare Foundation helps to promote a caring Malaysian society through creating awareness and a balanced approach to animal welfare for the well being of animal and mankind.
Getting educated on animal welfare is the first step to treating your pet better. Find out ways you can donate or volunteer to

Is your animal getting the care it deserves?

Is your animal getting the care it deserves?: Many of us have pet animals, and to some they are so close to our hearts that we allow them into our homes and sometimes even on our beds! On the other hand, some people have working animals like guard dogs, riding horses, drought animals and carrier mules. Be it as a pet or for carrying out tasks, animals under our supervision are fully dependant on us for their food, shelter and well-being. Having ownership over them, it is important to keep a close eye on their behavour as animals are also capable of getting stressed just like humans. Caring for animals, plants and all the earth is simply an extension of the compassion that we share with our loved ones around us. The Malaysian National Animal Welfare Foundation helps to promote a caring Malaysian society through creating awareness and a balanced approach to animal welfare for the well being of animal and mankind.
Getting educated on animal welfare is the first step to treating your pet better. Find out ways you can donate or volunteer to

Know anyone who has only dreamed about studying in the UK? Help them out.

Know anyone who has only dreamed about studying in the UK? Help them out.: Help spread the word about the Axiata Young Talent Programme to the students who truly deserve them. Pre-U and University scholarships applications for selected universities in the UK are open from 21 - 30 March 2012. Apply here!

Want to buy a tablet or smartphone? Browse all of them at I Love Tablet Fair 2012 in Low Yat!

Want to buy a tablet or smartphone? Browse all of them at I Love Tablet Fair 2012 in Low Yat!: Celcom will be lining up all the most awesome gadgets in one place - I Love Tablet Fair 2012 at Low Yat Plaza from 26th March to 1st April 2012! And do you know this Saturday (31/3/2012), Celcom will have Hourly Lucky Draw at Tablet Fair? Every hour, from 12.30PM to 9.30PM, 1 winner will get to enjoy Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 Plus @ Only RM397 + Free 1 Month Celcom Broadband Advance. To qualify, just sign up with any Celcom plans on that day! Hurry up and head over to Low Yat plaza now before these good deals end!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Telur Mata Kerbau

Itu la agaknya nama yang orang bagi..hehe..ak tau sume orang tau goreng telurkan?? Ni ak just nak bagitau sikit care nak goreng telur yang kite xperlu bimbang kalau xterbalikkan die..& telur x hangit..ok la..meh ak cte kan care nye..

Monday 16 January 2012

Barang Penjagaan Diri

Ni pun senang je..selalunye ade jual kat pasaraya. Beli je yang da siap bungkus. Xyah pening-pening nak wat camne gi..tapi sebelum beli tu kena la tgk ok ke x barang tu..yang penting barang tu pasangan korang guna..jgn lak korang beli bende yang dorang xpakai..silap-silap nanti die bagi lak kat sedare mare die..huhu..tu yang kite xnak kn..

Pulut Kuning

Pulut kuning ni..mak long ak yang wat kan..hehe..ak ane la pandai nak wat..tah-tah lain yang jadi ti..nasib baik la mak long ak ni de acuan untuk pulut tu..menarik la yang ak cakap dulu..kalau x ak masukkan dlm kotak je..di sebabkan rumah ak xjadi..ak terpakse la cari ikhtiar lain..hehe..thanks tu mak long ak..sebabkan bekas die la ak xyah nak pening-pening g..last-last ak letak je pulut tu dlm dulang..hias-hias sikit da siap..huhu…


Unik x hantaran ak ni?? Hehe..ulam-ulaman ni ak gantikan la..asyik buah je nak kn kelainan..ak bgi ulam-ulaman..lgi pn ni idea ibu & kakak ak..xsusah pn..same je cam buat buah tu..letak-letak je..

Saturday 14 January 2012

Kemeja & Songkok + Kain Pelikat

Yang ni dua nak buat die lebih kurang same ak gabungkan je..hehe..yang ni mang senang la nak wat die..mule-mule yang songkok +kain pelikat tu ak wat bentuk rumah..huhu..tapi akhirnya ibu ak bagi red light..haha..maksudnya ibu ak gelak ble tgk ak nye hantaran rumah tu..haha..

Sirih Junjung

Huh!!! Camne nak wt sirih ni??? Hehe..tu la antare reaksi ak ble time nak wt sirih junjung ni…waaaaaaa!!! Susah betul!!!

Hehe..banyak kali gak la ak try & error..hehe..tapi byk yg error nye..haha..ble pk2 balik mase nak wt sirih junjung tu..mang la kelakau bebenau..(org melake la kate kan) tapi

Dulang Hantaran Kabus

Selagi leh jimat, ak jimat..hehe..tu la prinsip berbelanja ak..huhu..sume de prinsip.. :)
Ni ak nak cte sal care nak wt dulang die, sng je n kos die pn murah je..tapi gambar ak lupe nak amik..sorry!!

Coklat Hantaran

    Tara!!! yg paling ak ske..ok x?? Sume tu ak yg wt..kecuali satu je..kain lapik tu..yg coklat tu ak wt..yg gold jarang tu ak beli..terpakse la..sbb mesin jahit ibu ak rosak…so nak xnak kne la nak wt die ni sng je..hehe..(walaupun xtdo wt nye)..

Hantaran Pertunangan

Alhamdulillah..selesai jgk majlis ak..hehe..maklum la ni kali pertame family ak wt kenduri phm2 je la kalau da first time tu..hehe..walaupun dlm keadaan hujan..majlis ak tetap berlangsung dgn meriah dgn kedatangan tetamu yang silih berganti..